Little things in life teach us, even simple songs.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Cats, Cacti, Quacks, Cars and Crossings

What an interesting walk today. We were treated to the sight of our friend, Lucky walking towards us. He's the grey kitty that looks like our cat, Zippy, who's still in California. We also met this very friendly calico kitty that tried to follow us as we were heading home.


While Kostya was petting Lucky, I looked across the street and swore I saw some ducks in a front yard. I knew we had to investigate and after spending a few more minutes with Lucky, we crossed the street, but the ducks were gone. A man was sitting on the front porch. I asked him if he'd seen some ducks around and he laughed and said they were his. When he was a kid, his dad worked the mill and was always bringing home baby ducks. So, as he's gotten older, he ran across a duck baby that was injured and raised her. We met her (name escapes me) and her other duck buddies.


There was an amazing row of blooming cactus along the right-of-way. LOOK at those colorful flowers and long sharp spines.


We cross the railroad tracks twice on our walks and wanted to take a picture of the switching track this time.


The blackberry bushes are FULL of blooms along the creek and Kostya and I have been talking a lot about picking a lot of blackberries on our walks once they show up. Kostya liked looking at the little green baby berries.


This car struck his fancy and he thought it would be a good picture as well.


And lastly, a dancer flower and a worm we saved from being squished.


We are going on a car trip tomorrow. I'll be sure to post pictures. Not sure where we'll end up.

Thanks for reading.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Three years old and the great outdoors

It broke my heart. He came to me crying after a particularly difficult morning where his brother had been tormented, knocked over, pushed, hit a few times, among other things. I'd raised my voice several times.

And through great big tears, he said, "But Mommy, I've got to get out of this apartment. I hate this house. I want to go back to Californi-i-a-a." And the sobbing started. I realized that this little three year old, who'd had free reign, was suddenly cooped up in a little apartment with no freedom and was aching to run, to explore, to imagine. And he was stuck here, prisoner to my allergies, 1st trimester exhaustion, and stress of moving.

So, we're starting small, trying to eat one meal outside each day, get out for a meaningful activity each day, whether it be sand-play, walking, playground, or all three. But it still breaks my heart, that we moved here, that he is trapped inside when all his little body wants is to get out.

Jen D.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Walks in the new 'hood

I told Kostya that today, we were going on a walk and he could take pictures. He has a used Canon Elph we bought from a friend for a mere $30 around Christmas. He's fairly careful with it and it has survived quite a few drops.

So, we set off from our apartment.

At each intersection, Kostya got to decide which way to go (until I noticed he was getting tired and started giving two options, either of which would have gotten us home). This was the first intersection and he wanted to take a pic of the yellow hydrant.

Kostya's fascination with trucks showed up in this montage of vehicle photos. He was very proud of his monster truck photos.

I try to point out various flowers and landmarks. Kostya loves dandelions, but these were REALLY tough ones to blow seeds from so he took a picture of me trying.

He liked the way this evergreen looked and wanted to remember it.

What trip would be complete without a picture of little brother, looking ever so solemn, as usual.

We went through a tire yard and he was SO pleased to see this monster truck tire. See? Doesn't he look ecstatic? :giggle:

This tree had some wicked cool branches.

And all the treasures we had when we got home.