Little things in life teach us, even simple songs.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Three years old and the great outdoors

It broke my heart. He came to me crying after a particularly difficult morning where his brother had been tormented, knocked over, pushed, hit a few times, among other things. I'd raised my voice several times.

And through great big tears, he said, "But Mommy, I've got to get out of this apartment. I hate this house. I want to go back to Californi-i-a-a." And the sobbing started. I realized that this little three year old, who'd had free reign, was suddenly cooped up in a little apartment with no freedom and was aching to run, to explore, to imagine. And he was stuck here, prisoner to my allergies, 1st trimester exhaustion, and stress of moving.

So, we're starting small, trying to eat one meal outside each day, get out for a meaningful activity each day, whether it be sand-play, walking, playground, or all three. But it still breaks my heart, that we moved here, that he is trapped inside when all his little body wants is to get out.

Jen D.

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