Little things in life teach us, even simple songs.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Along the little path

On a mama's message board I'm on, someone asked how we can make childhood magical. I've long wanted to create a miniature garden. So, gathering twigs, I lashed them together with hemp to make a little fairy cabin last night.

This morning, I assembled a wide garden pot "little" garden. with a pebble path and multiple cuttings from my moms "steppables" plants, some lobelia and moss.

Kostya was delighted.

I'm going to add more plants as I have the time, but right now, I want to get the roots established a bit better. I'm working a roof as well as some little surprises so stay tuned.

Jen D.

PS: I have to apologize for my horrible pictures. I have our old camera at the moment and left the nice one at home.

1 comment:

JayLeigh said...

I really like it! It's such a cute little house and garden! ♥