Little things in life teach us, even simple songs.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It started with a small board with knobs for Kostya to hang stuff on. We couldn't figure out where to put it. On a whim, I carried it into the hallway and it struck me that it would look good under our bulletin board. I mentioned it to my mother and she said, "Oh, I have an idea..." Then, it exploded on us. My mother insisted that we needed to paint the hallway. Well, I mean, it was a bit dingy and kinda a cream color and would look better with a white paint job. My mom LOVES to paint so whenever she gets the excuse, she runs with it.

On a Sunday morning, we were sitting there and I suddenly jumped up. "That- um, I know- I have an idea." I ran outside and picked up the wooden screen door frame we'd been keeping for some project we hadn't yet thought of. I hauled it inside, dust and all and showed my mom the partitions. "See, we can put a chalkboard in the big area. We can put a white board in this smaller area and we can put a display case here." The idea was born. While pregnant, I put four coats of paint on it, swirly green and blue.

We convinced someone that he needed to help cut boards and a full 9 months after we started this project, it actually came to fruition and we had it on the wall. Some colored chalk and funky colored white board markers and we're set to go. Well, almost. We still need to mount the plexiglass for the display case but here's what it looks like (ignore the map hanging down over part of it, please).


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