Little things in life teach us, even simple songs.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I have a hard time with structure. Kostya has never been one to HAVE to sleep at a certain time or eat at a certain time. We have generally had naps anywhere from 11am-3pm after he cut down to one nap. We NEVER eat at the same time and his bedtime varies greatly. So, I guess I'm saying that structure bothers me.

I read something about 3 year olds a month or so ago and it really struck me that I needed to change. Basically, it said that 3 year olds need to know what is going to happen that day.

So, I thought about it a bit and came up with this:


I'm still working out the kinks on how to use it. I was originally thinking it would be a GREAT idea for him to put all the little trains up as we do them, but then realized that he got too carried away with the trains so I think in the morning, we'll get out the ones we need and put them all up in the morning so we can kinda plan our day out.

I am also working on a Noah's Ark one for my nephews. I'll post pictures of that when it's done.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

That's adorable, Jen! My train-loving 2.5yo would think it was very cool. I'm curious to hear about how you end up using it.

When my middle son was little, I noticed a time when he seemed to need more structure in the form of "rules." I was all over the "principles" idea, and figuring things out as we went along. He turned out to be much more black-and-white kid who wanted there to be a law he could abide by.

Every kid is an adventure! LOL.