Little things in life teach us, even simple songs.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Puzzles. Kostya has liked puzzles since he was only 18 months old. He was a pro at the little Melissa and Doug puzzles during that age. During a Thomas the Train obsession, the puzzles were put away. They were just reintroduced when my mom was visiting and thought Ivan would like them. She then went out and bought TONS of puzzles from thrift shops for Kostya. This one was very exciting for him because it had a racecar on it. He does about 50% of the work and is SO proud when he's done.

I wish I had more hours in my day to just sit and do puzzles with him all day. I do think when we move, we're going to have a special puzzle "table" that we can put in a safe place when we're not working on it.

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